Friday, February 10, 2012

"Episode I" in 3D hits theatres today....BOOO!!!

Hey, who gives a shit, right? Lucas is not getting any more of my money until he releases the O-RIGINAL TRILOGY on DVD and/or Blu-ray in it's UN-PERVERTED version! Even if he gets around to releasing "Star Wars", "Empire" and "Jedi" in 3D I STILL won't go to see those in the theatre...or anywhere else for that matter.

So in celebration of the 3D release of this turd, let's hear from Simon Pegg who has some straight-to-the-point views on how seriously bad "Episode I" is...


At February 12, 2012 at 10:25 AM, Anonymous Allen said...

Simon Pegg, you're my hero! LOL!

At February 12, 2012 at 10:53 AM, Blogger LA Filmcutter said...

Simon Pegg fact...The Man!


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