Saturday, August 6, 2011

LA Filmcutter Podcast 2.0: now online!

OMG, I've FINALLY posted my Comic-Con podcast!!! Because I've written just about everything that happened up until and including Saturday, I'm only wrapping up the final day in San Diego as well as some post-event thoughts which includes Rebecca as my special guest. She and I have been formulating a duel show and I know her involvement will be more prevalent during the next podcast.

O.K. these kinds of delays HAVE TO END! I seriously need to roll out the podcasts in a much more timely fashion regardless of work, etc. If other people can multi-task podcasting, posting photos and writing reviews / comments about and during the event, I CAN DO THE SAME, DAMNIT!!! LOL!

Click on the podcast logo to hear my current show. As before, you can also download it to put on your iPod, iPhone, iPad or other mobile device. Enjoy!


At August 6, 2011 at 5:41 PM, Anonymous Allen said...

Yes, damnit, more podcasts, faster!!!

At August 6, 2011 at 5:44 PM, Blogger LA Filmcutter said...

LOL! Trying!!

At August 7, 2011 at 2:29 PM, Anonymous Allen said...

BTW, did you look at posting these on iTunes?

At August 7, 2011 at 11:27 PM, Blogger LA Filmcutter said...

I actualy did look briefly right before I posted the first podcast but didn't take the time to check out the details. Will look into it tomorrow though. Certainly sounds like a good idea.


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