That sucky new "Three Musketeers" movie
OMG, "The Three Musketeers" looks SO FUCKING AWFUL!!!! We're at the panel right now.
The Summit Entertainment rep. didn't even know how to pronounce Aramis. He said 'Ah-ray-mus'. What a MORON!!! The actor whose playing Aramis is here and said his character is like James Bond and Batman...NO, HE'S NOT! He fights when he must because he intends to be a priest! They showed the trailer and a behind the scenes reel. I was half shaking my head off my neck and half wanting to throw up!
Alexandre Dumas will be spinning our of control in his grave when this movie is released! I intend to watch Richard Lester's "Three" and "Four Musketeers" when I get home to wash what I've seen and heard about this one out of my head!!
HAHAHA! I knew you'd hate it.
I saw the first trailer a while back and couldn't believe my eyes! This is so NOT the Three Musketeers!
In my book, no one will ever top the Richard Lester version! The over-the-top pimp-out style of this new take is far from the nicely updated "Sherlock Holmes" that didn't trample the original work and characters. After seeing the panel today, I refuse to go anywhere near this completely misguided bomb-to-be when it's released!
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