Post "Tron" screening
No surprise guests during Saturday's "Tron" 70MM screening at the Aero Theatre, but definitely a very informative Q&A.
We learned A LOT of stuff about how the software team worked out shot key frames, transposing computer shots to 170,000 cells that all had to be photographed one at a time, and the total lack of being able to view a moving computer animatic to adjust a vehicle's pitch and yaw before render. Not to mention the fact that any shots Steve Lisberger (who was in attendance) had to approve were photographed with a polaroid camera off the computer screen and mailed to him for review! Crazy!
BTW, the print looked AMAZING!
Haha! That IS crazy! Today some kid in his basement could make that movie in a day with his Sony Handicam and a Macbook Pro.
Yeah, really! Steve Lisberger commented that the iPhone he held in his hand has more power than the gi-normous computer systems they used to create and produce "Tron". My, how far we've come!
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