3D is great, I love it. BUT NOT ON EVERY SINGLE MOVIE! Marvel Studios just announced that "Captain America", "The Avengers", and potentially even "Iron Man 3", will more than likely be in 3D. Even Paul W.S. Anderson's take on "The Three Musketeers" (if it beats Warner Bros. competing version first) is going to be in 3D. Alexandre Dumas classic adventure story does not belong in 3D!! E-FUCKING-NUFF!!!
This whole thing is JUST A FAD! Stop squeezing the cash cow so hard, stop selling 3D televisions where prolonged viewing can cause eye damage, stop perverting every project under the sun and concentrate on GOOD STORIES!! Oooow...how about that...whoa, there's an original idea.
Again I say, I do love 3D. Just don't rub it until it's raw!
That's what she said ;)
Seriously, what's the point? "Avatar" was conceived, written and shot for/in 3D. That was the part of the film's charm and magic. "Up-converting" to 3D does nothing to enhance the story or make a film better on it's own. If it's a bad movie to begin with it's still gonna be bad in 3D.
If they shoot "Iron Man 3" in 3D and can come up with a story that the technology can serve then okay, I can deal with that. BUT if they (as you say) are just squeezing the cash cow then just stop now before every film coming out of a major studio has Roger Corman for an Executive Producer.
Yes, I totally agree! Roger Corman, stand by!! Up-converting movies that weren't originally shot in 3D will look like the front of 3D birthday cards! Or those old 3D football cards you use to get in cereal boxes. The original "Star Wars" in 3D...NO!!!!
This whole 3D thing is the studio's new plan to bring people into the theater more. Right now that's the only place where you can experience big screen 3D. The film should be planned for the format and not just because they can do it!
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