Sunday, May 16, 2010

10 years of freelancing

This month marks 10 years of my being a freelance editor. Before that I was the staff editor at Edgewood Studios in Vermont, of course, and had steady positions at WRGB and FOX News in Albany. I've certainly paid my dues throughout that time and what I'm more than (and I do mean MORE THAN!) ready for is a staff position, preferably at Happy Hour. However from the look and sound of things workflow wise and financially, that may not be happening for some time.

If a position at another post house was offered to me and it was a good fit (project content, money, facility, staff), I'd definitely take the job. Again, I'd prefer a trailer house. But have really been feeling the need for extended security, especially after 2009!


At May 16, 2010 at 1:52 AM, Anonymous Allen Pinney said...

That is amazing because it sure doesn't feel like ten years! Happy Anniversary!


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