Thursday, April 15, 2010

The weekend rundown

Finishing up my first week back at Happy Hour, and it's certainly been a hectic one! Tackling my first cut of a broadcast spot for "Lottery Ticket", switching over in mid-week to work on a new DVD release spot for "The Book of Eli", finally watching the movie "Splice" to begin work on two spots that are due to go before the studio on Monday.

At this point, it's looking very strongly like I'll be working over the weekend. I'm certainly not complaining...bring on these really cool projects and the fatter paychecks please! Dinner with an assistant editor friend and his girlfriend, plus being able to fit in a screening of the much anticipated "Kick-Ass" are also on the slate. Work will dictate whether these events happen during Saturday and Sunday.

And THANK GOD, I now have my first paycheck for these past four days of work! YES!!! Paydays are the 15th and 30th of each month. Looks like I'm going to be good now financially until at least the end of May. That's with the current schedule of projects at Happy Hour.


At April 16, 2010 at 2:44 AM, Anonymous allen pinney said...

So what's on the playlist for a weekend of work and celebrating a paycheck?

At April 17, 2010 at 11:59 AM, Blogger LA Filmcutter said...

Definitely looks like we'll be going to see "Kick-Ass", plus having dinner out for a change. WOOHOO! Money in my pocket! Although dinner plans with my editor friend got changed. We're trying to catch up with him one of these week nights.


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