Monday, December 21, 2009

Bryan Singer back on board the "X-Men" series!!!

I am SOOO excited to hear that Bryan Singer will be returning to the franchise that made him great! Even though I'd still like to see him be allowed to continue with a "Superman Returns" follow up, I know he's going to grab the steering wheel back from Bret Ratner's really disappointing "X3". BTW, can't we just take away Ratner's license to direct?! I mean, come on!

Check out this Q&A with Bryan Singer at by clicking on his photo.


At December 22, 2009 at 3:00 AM, Anonymous allen pinney said...

Seriously! How can Hollywood not see how crappy his movies are?

I have mixed feelings on Singer. He did cut and run once before, how do we know we can trust him stick around?

BTW this is the Monday, December 21 post and there is no "Avatar" review!

At December 23, 2009 at 9:35 PM, Blogger LA Filmcutter said...

I know he cut and run. But the main thing is that he makes another great "X-Men" movie. Sure, "Superman Returns" could have been better, and "Valkyre" was O.K. But I still believe in the guy!!!

At December 28, 2009 at 5:29 PM, Anonymous allen pinney said...

Redemption and second chances are what we're all about right? God bless the U.S.A.!

I DO hope it's a good movie and I think it's probably a good idea to roll the Magneto origin into an "X-men: First Class" film series.


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