Friday, October 5, 2007

Court TV...will it ever end?!

Still at Precision Post working on this damned Court TV branding reel. Today I went through a number of their regular shows looking for amazing footage that doesn't include cops, car chases, police takedowns, sirens, ambulances, or anything that looks harsh. So I'm suppose to replace that with what? These are today's client notes. They want the new TruTV name to carry more of a Discovery Channel feel. Yet it will still have all the same crappy reality shows! Once again I say yuck, yuck, and fucking yuck! But also again...I know, a steady paycheck. Needless to say I was a total clock watcher as we headed for the late afternoon. Big. Snooze. Job. At this point I'll be here through next week.

Still no word back from Craig Murray Productions about the possible staff position. They wanted to fill this thing in early October and that's where we're at now. We'll see.


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