Comic-Con Thursday Photo of the Day: Marion Ravenwood is Back!
You all know the story...since I called everyone right after I got out of the Paramount preview at Comic-Con today! Most notably we're talking about the "Indy 4" portion of the line-up. They showed a live video 'hello' from Steven Speilberg, Harrison Ford (in costume!), Ray Winstone, and Shia Labeouf (also in costume) on the set of Indy 4. At the very end Spielberg announced they had one more surprise to show everyone, then stepped off camera for a second. When he returned he had a director's chair that had the name 'Marion Ravenwood' stitched on the back followed by Karen Allen who then sat in it! She waved hello saying it was great to be back with Harrison and the gang again. MARION RAVENWOOD HAS RETURNED! IT'S OFFICIAL! The one thing I really, really, really wanted for the new Indiana Jones movie!
Before Speilberg returned with the chair I was thinking, 'please bring out Karen Allen, please bring out Karen Allen, please bring out Karen Allen'...I literally got chills when he placed that chair and she came out. Could not stop smiling.
Now...all is right with my world.
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