Saturday, July 14, 2007

Celebration Europe Better Than C4?

I've been purusing the latest news from Celebration Europe, taking place this weekend in England.

First off I get an e-mail from Allen saying that Mark Hamill is scheduled to make an appearance there. Huh?...HEY! The guy lives in Los Angeles and he can't even have a stop by during C4. Oh but he can go all the way to England! Give me a break. There's an aritcle in The Sun about he and David Prouse reuniting at CE for the first time since "Jedi". You can check it out here.

Then comes something that goes in my "missed opportunity" column that the Brits received in all it's glory. During the opening ceremonies for the event guess what they ran for a finale? "Star Wars"! Not all 6 movies, just the first one! Why the hell couldn't they have done that here?!!! And they got it on a giant outdoor screen. Jeez!!! Here are some pics.

For those of you who went to Celebration IV, you've probably received a survey. Don't side step this as an after the fact follow up that's optional. Check question 20 which reads:

"If Celebration V is held in the spring of 2009, but is not held within driving distance of your city, how likely is it that you would attend?"

The internet is already abuzz with what this potentially means; they're already gearing up for the next one! Yay!!

Question 23 asks: "What kind of merchandise would you like to see at the Celebration Store?"

Not what you WANTED, past tense, but WOULD LIKE. Bill, start saving money!


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