Monday, June 26, 2006

Welcome To Superman Week!

Well here we are a little under 2 days to go until "Superman Returns"!

I've taken a half day off from work Tuesday because I get the impression there's going to be a party atmosphere over at Mann's Chinese Theatre and I don't want to miss it. Even during the daytime hours ramping up to the 10pm show. Tomorrow I'll get together supplies for the multi hour wait in line; food, a few unread magazines, plus my iPod which now has all 17 Max Fleischer "Superman" cartoons on it. Went to the Fleischer page on where you could download all of them. Sweet! I do however want to pick up the new DVD that came out two weeks ago, but have been unable to find it anywhere. Hello?! This is a brand new collection created from the original negatives with remastered original audio. These downloads appear to be from just that. Not the public domain, Good Times video, badly dubbed crap that's been circulating for years. Must have!


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