Happy 20th Anniversary, Ferris Bueller!
20 years ago today, Ferris, Cameron, and Sloan took the day off. The movie was released on June 11, 1986.
Of course this weekend (the official anniversary) I had a trip planned to go to Chicago and tour all of the Ferris Bueller filming sites, along with locations used in "The Breakfast Club" and "Sixteen Candles". All of the addresses to places like Cameron's house, Shermer High School, and the church where Molly Ringwald is picked up by Jake Ryan, are online and easy to map out. Unfortunately due to the work situation earlier this year (which has finally and happily leveled off), I could not afford to go. Even after planning this for a little under a year. However I will be heading to the mythical land of Shermer, Illinois (John Hughes fictional suburb for most of his teen films in the 80's) very soon...sometime in the next month and a half in fact. Stay tuned for updates! I've officially named it "The John Hughes / Ferris Bueller Anniversary Tour".
In the meantime, check out John Hughes Shooting Locations (my location source) and The John Hughes Files, the best John Hughes site on the web!
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