Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Just a quick movie note...

Saw "I, Robot" the other night...bad, bad, BAD. The only thing good about it was the CG for the robots. The original story deserved so much better than a Will Smith shoot 'em up. Even Will wasn't that interesting, and I like him. The script was very tired and formula. But I'm sure this is a hell of a lot better than what "Catwoman" is going to be like. Thankfully "The Bourne Supremacy" looks to kick ass!


At July 22, 2004 at 3:53 PM, Anonymous Bismo said...

Sigh... I knew it! That's exactly what I'm expecting, but I'm going to try and see it tonight anyway. (Heck, any opportunity to get to a movie these days!) Besides, THE HEY liked it, right Hey?

At July 23, 2004 at 2:46 PM, Anonymous The Hey said...

Right, Bis. I liked it.

It wasn't Spidey 2, but I was entertained. I'm looking forward to seeing "Bourne" this weekend myself - I even bought the DVD of the first film and got a free ticket!!


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