Wednesday, June 2, 2004

Just picked up a new planner yesterday.

I knew at some point the medium sized one I had would become outdated. Now I have a full portfolio sized planner. Man I didn't realize what a job it would be to transfer everything from one to the other! Plus I needed to do some updating of late '03 - early '04 info which has sat on scraps of paper waiting to be transfered onto it's proper pages. Now I have enough room for full contact sheets, calendars, web directional maps, a spare tire, handy wipes, food for a week, the kitchen sink...

Still very concerned about last friday's news regarding the now lessened available freelance work with Working Pictures. After a day or so I realized it's God's way of pushing me closer to that permanent trip to LA. Thank you God but I need to eat and pay the rent before then!

Pulling up more trailer, promo, and general post house info to get my reel and resume off to. Still no word back from i.d.entity who asked to see my reel, overnighted last week.

BTW, just rented "Underworld" over the weekend. Had been wanting to see it since released in theaters last year. Really loved much that I picked up the unrated extended cut special edition just released last week. Good story, void of a lot of the cliches one might expect. Like "Blade Runner" for me; enjoyed it at first, then a day later the rest sunk in and I was hooked.

Some action scenes are inspired by "The Matrix" but they did a nice job of making it their own. Kate Beckinsale's Selene is smart, sexy, and a very sleek action hero. Was also very impressed by the filmmakers who spoke in the supplement about not wanting to have over produced CG effects. 95% of the werewolf effects are guys in suits, combined with lighting and camera movement they work very nicely. Filming begins this fall on '2'.


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